Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hoarding! - 752 Words
IQ An intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to assess intelligence. The abbreviation IQ comes from the German term Intelligenz-Quotient, originally coined by psychologist William Stern. When modern IQ tests are devised, the mean (average) score within an age group is set to 100 and the standard deviation (SD) almost always to 15, although this was not always so historically. Thus, the intention is that approximately 95% of the population scores within two SDs of the mean, i.e. has an IQ between 70 and 130. Intelligence Intelligence has been defined in many different ways including, but not limited to, abstract thought, understanding, self-awareness, communication, reasoning,†¦show more content†¦According to recent studies, Vygotsky is one of the most controversial international scholars and the most popular Russian psychologist in Russia and North America. Intellectual giftedness is an intellectual ability significantly higher than average. It is different from a skill, in that skills are learned or acquired behaviors. Like a talent, intellectual giftedness is usually believed to be an innate, personal aptitude for intellectual activities that cannot be acquired through personal effort. Various ideas about the definition, development, and best ways of identifying intellectual giftedness have been put forward. Intellectual giftedness may be general or specific. For example, an intellectually gifted person may have a striking talent for mathematics, but not have equally strong language skills. When combined with an adequately challenging curriculum and the diligence necessary to acquire and execute many learned skills, intellectual giftedness often produces academic success. There is also artistic or creative giftedness, which may or may not be combined with intellectualShow MoreRelatedAnimal Hoarding Essay1261 Words  | 6 PagesAnimal hoarding is an obsession that is growing in victims and recognition throughout the world today. The typical animal hoarder has a serious psychological condition called obsessive compulsive disorder. Animal hoarders also may be suffering from different kinds of addictions, delusional disorder, attachment disorder, dementia, and even zoophilia. These people feel they have the responsibility to keep and care for an overabundant amount of animals, thinking that they are helping these creaturesRead MoreAnimal Hoarding Essay1987 Words  | 8 PagesAnimal hoarding is an issue in every division of society around the world (Donaghey 2011). Whether rich or poor, there may still be an animal hoarder living right next door (Donaghey 2011). In some situations there may be obvious signs that a person is a hoarder; however, others live seemingly regular lives to the public eye and the problem is growing. Animal hoarding is a growing problem because of the lack of understanding of the issue and lack of action. The general public has a lack of understandingRead MoreHoarding Research Paper1425 Words  | 6 Pages Hoarding: Buried Alive Until a few years ago, a lady who was known to collect cats would have been called â€Å"the crazy cat lady.†Houses that were filled with endless amounts of stuff were referred to as â€Å"cluttered, filthy, or a pen sty.†As of today, those expressions have been replaced with the coined terms: â€Å"hoarder or compulsive hoarding.†What is hoarding? â€Å"Compulsive hoarding is a specific type of behavior marked by acquiring and failingRead MoreAll About The Hoarding Syndrome1036 Words  | 5 PagesThe Hoarding Syndrome is characterized as the excessive collecting and saving behaviors that result in a cluttered living space and significant distress or impairment (Frost and Hart, 1996). Hoarding symptoms often begin between the ages of 10-13 (Mackin, Arean, Delucchi, Matthews, 2011) but does not discriminate in terms of age, gender, educational levels, or socioeconomic status (Singh Jones, 2013). However, researchers have found a very strong associatio n between having a family memberRead MoreHoarding: Worldwide Issue Essay1189 Words  | 5 Pagespipes. People with obsessive-compulsive-related disorder, for example hoarding, have to help the public to understand three important key points about compulsive hoarding: understand the facts of hoarding, identify the problems associated with hoarding, and to provide treatment options for hoarders. The first major key point is to understand the facts associated with hoarding. Examples of facts may include defining hoarding, effects, deaths, and reasons why people hoard. The description of a hoarderRead MoreCompulsive Hoarding Outline Essay614 Words  | 3 Pages Compulsive Hoarding Revealed Mikayla Casteel April 30, 2012 I. Definition A. Compulsive hoarding is a common and potentially disabling problem, characterized by the accumulation of excessive clutter, to the point that parts of ones home can no longer be used for their intended purpose B. Compulsive hoarding could be a subtype of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), which is defined as an anxiety disorder characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead to repetitiveRead MoreHoarding Is a Real Disorder Suffered by Real People Essay2403 Words  | 10 PagesMany people know the television shows, Hoarding: Buried Alive, on TLC or Hoarders on AE. These reality TV shows feature hoarders and their families. The crews of the shows follow the hoarder for a few days to study how hoarding affects their daily lives. A professional organizer and a therapist are taken through the house to see what the hoarder collects. The houses are disgusting; many times, there are rodents, cockroaches, stacks of paper and garbage everywhere. The audience is shown interviewsRead MoreCompulsive Hoarding: A Stifled Chaos Essay746 Words  | 3 PagesTamara Hartl, hoarding is medically defined as â€Å"the acquisition of, and inability to discard worthless items e ven though they appear (to others) to have no value†(Defining Compulsive Hoarding). Compulsive hoarding is a devastating disorder that affects an estimated 700,000 to 1.4 million people in the United States (Maidment). Hoarding may appear in a variety of forms, including Clinical Compulsive Hoarding, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or ‘perfectionist’ hoarding, and Animal Hoarding. Clinical CompulsiveRead MoreThe Effects Of Hoarding, Traumatic Events, And Material Deprivation2141 Words  | 9 PagesPertusa, Santo, Singh, and Mataix-Cols, looked to investigate the relationship with hoarding, traumatic events, and material deprivation. This study also attempted to distinguish if OCD was a determining factor in the prevalence of hoarding. This study hypothesized that hoarders (with or without comorbid OCD) would report higher lifetime frequency of traumatic events than individuals with OCD who do not have hoarding tendencies, but no greater levels of material deprivation. Furthermore, this studyRead MoreThe Connection Between the Little Mermaid and Hoarding Essays959 Words  | 4 PagesThe Little Mermaid and her Connection with Hoarding Melissa Legault Abnormal Psychology Anthony Smith April 30, 2013 Most children grow up watching Disney movies. It might be shocking to hear that a Disney princess may suffer from a psychological disorder. In Walt Disney’s movie The Little Mermaid, I think the main character Ariel suffers from disposophbia, also known as hoarding. Obsessive-compulsive disorder/hoarding has always interested me. These people take collecting to an
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